What is the point of being a christian if you're not gunna share the love you have been given with the world. What's the point if you are gunna hide among those who are like you" and easy to be with? What's the point if you can't love those who seem unlovable? What's the point?
We are not on this earth to only be with people who are like us. God told is to "Go and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19. He also calls us to take care of the widows and orphans, " Religion that is pure and undefiled before Gd, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction..." James 1:27. SO what are you doing??? What are we doing on campus to MAKE the difference? Why do so many of us only want to hang with those who look nice, or who have the right clothes, or who are in the right crowd, or say the right things?
I can't think of any place in the bible where Jesus told us to do that, or made an example out of himself for us to imitate. Jesus' best friends were the tax collectors and the fisherman, and the liars and thieves. He came to the broken to heal them, not to the rich and the "i have it all together." I'm not saying that we should be best friends with the people who are only going to lead us in the wrong path....but maybe part of me is saying that...to an extent. GET your hands dirty. Befriend someone you DONT like or someone you NEVER thought you would get along with because you NEVER know what is going on in their lives. MAybe they need you ....or someone to reach out to them and bring them into the light. MAybe you are the one to make the difference between heaven and hell for them. There are people who pretend to have it all together, and appear to be unbroken, when really they are dying inside, waiting for someone to come and release them!
So I want to ask again...what is the point? Why are we doing this christian thing if we arent willing to go deep with someone who needs it, someone who everyone else hates? Someone who is so angry they push everyone away, but instead of leaving you stay and you hang in there with them, telling them it will be ok! And that you WILL be there with them, even though it hurts, even though you (yourself) have no idea who you are gunna make it through because this person is sooo difficult it wears you out.
What is the point? I am soo tired of seeing people push the unlovable away... What if you were that person? What if it was you instead of them? What if no one wanted to be your friend because you looked funny, or dressed in shabby clothes, or never said the right thing at the right time, or....you can think of other scenarios. Put yourself in their postition. Christ died for the UNLOVABLE! We were once unlovable....and then He came and died for us...and made us new...and that is what he calls us to do for the world... you might only touch the lives of one or a handful or people....but you made the difference.
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