Ministry- the unofficial, untabulated, little loving-kindnesses of life.
What does this mean for us? I’m still trying to figure out what this means exactly. We are called to go and witness to the world. The Young’s concordance gave this definition of ministry. Seems to me that this is NOT beating people over the head telling then that if they were to die tomorrow and are not a Christian, they are going to hell. This seems much more like being a servant to those who need it. WE need to engage people’s heart, but doing it by threatening them with hell is not the way Christ did it. He sat with those who were crying, hurting, stealing, abusing etc. He knew how to get to the core of the matter…whatever they were dealing with. He knew how to draw them out to talk about it. He knew… I want to know. I want to be more like him in every way. I want to be able to sit and listen to those who no one else will listen to. I want to know how to engage their hearts to meet them right where they are in their struggle, because EVERYONE is struggling. I want to know how to get to the core of the matter, draw it out into the light and help them destroy it. As much as I want to do that for someone else…I want someone to do it with me/for me. Everyone needs someone or a group of someones.
How do we accomplish this ministry thing? My biggest, or one of my biggest problems is not the loving and listening (even though I struggle every more gifted with this) mine is the engaging the heart and asking the hard questions..why? Cause I don’t want to ‘ruin’ the friendship. I don’t want them to look at me weird. I don’t want them to reject me. WHY am I afraid??? I shouldn’t be. I have the answers for life! I have the best secret…it should not be the best kept secret…it should be the worst kept secret that JESUS CHRIST DIED for YOU and can/will/wants to give YOU eternal life! He loves you forever and always. Why am are/are we afraid to share this? I want to get over this fear of I don’t know how to label it, but it has to end…today, Right NOW! Jesus tells us that this journey will be hard but that he is always with us…and will never leave. He is there to help us always.
He is there to satisfy. There is a song called hungry.
Hungry I come to you for I know you satisfy, I am empty but I know your love will not run dry. So I wait for you. So I wait for you. IM falling on my knees, offering al of me, jesus you’re all this heart is loving for. Broken I run to you for your arms are open wide, I am weary but I know your touch restores my life, so I wait for you.
If we come to him hungry he is here to fulfill us.
We have been given a gift that was not meant to be kept to ourselves. It was given in order that those who have it pass it on to the next person. He gave us the gift of grace. Eph. 2:8-9 says, “For GRACE you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast.” WE have a free gift…no NEED TO hide it any longer.
I have such a long way to go, but I wanted to write to encourage all of you out there who want the same thing. WE can make a difference on the college campus we are on or the work place or wherever you are.
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