As I was studying tonight in my room, which has a great view of the mountains and of all the other surrounding dorms, I saw an elderly couple walking towards the stadium hand in hand. You don't see that much these days. It seems to me that there are more divorces now than ever before. It seems that we have forgotten what marriage is all about. We get married now and for many as soon as trouble comes the couple splits...leaving some families with disaster. Seeing that couple tonight brought a smile to my face and gave me hope for the future... that a marriage can last when it is set on a firm foundation... Jesus Christ. My parents have been a great example for me of a couple who deeply loves each other even through each other's blemishes and circumstances that can seem impossible. It is not always flowers and good times... but they have shown me that two people can make it, even in a society that we have today that tells us that if we aren't happy... then we should do whatever it takes to make us happy. False... God never told us that life would be easy... in fact he tells us beginning at the fall of man that life will be really hard, but he gives us his promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us. If our marriages are founded on Him, then no matter what happens... we can make it. Yeah there may be scars, but with Him, he will carry us through those times and heal our hearts... all with his perfect timing. I hope that we can learn from the generations before us... they have set a good example for us in a society that is turning way.