Sunday, January 6, 2008

Faith like a child

Have you ever gone to a foreign country for an extended period of time? I have! I went to a counrty I never imagaine I would go to. I lived in Costa Rica for two months. It's beauty is breathtaking. Everywhere you go you are surrounded by Christ's creation! There are parts of this country that are incredible like the Teatro Nacional. It is incredible. I believe it is the oldest building there built in 1886 I think. And there are other parts of the country only blocks away that will make your heart bleed! There is poverty that is soooo apparent and strong that you dont know what to do. You dont know whether to pity these people, walk away and let them live that way, hold your nose and suck it up, or to greet the kids who will run up to you with a hug. I chose to greet the kids with a hug. I believe that is what we are called to do by Christ! Love those who need to be loved! You want to pity these people but then you realize that there is no time for that! there is only time for love and to take the time that is left to help them is they want help because many do NOT want help. they are so comfortable with the ways in which they live that the thought of changing is a horrible thought. You may think that I'm kidding...or you may be thinking.."These people have nothing, who live in houses made out of trash, whose lives are probably filled with prostitution and drug abuse, why wouldn't they welcome help?" For the same reasons that those of us here in the States dont want to change..because we have been living that way for so long that we don't know how to change and are comfortable with it. Sounds sad isnt it? Well it is even more so to see it first hand. I wanted so much to help them, but there was so much need and well I am only me. :)
The funny thing that many of the children have a joy that not many in the States posesses. Its hard to describe. These children have nothing and yet they can find joy in the simplest things...something that we have long lost. Children are fastenating. They have a sense of wonder about them that is almost mind boggling. They create stories out of nothing. A tree branch is quickly turned into a magnificant steed for a boy who has turned into the knight in shining armour and a strand of flowers turns into a beautiful diamond crown fit for a queen. Don't you wish that adults could still have an imagination and inocents like a child? There are days when friends may call me childish for wondering at the smallest things..but I like being open to wonder and dream! We were given imaginations to use them, not to squander them.

So now I am home and not sure what to do with everything that I have seen and learned. What can I do? What can the U.S.A. do to help people who are in such need?
There are so many organizations that need help! But sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who wants to help and I know that that is not true, but that is how it seems at times.